May 30, 2013


To all Quantum’s COSTAR® Model 24VC Customers


Re: Replacing the COSTAR® Carbon Monoxide Ventilation Fan Controller Model 24VC with the 24VC-e


Dear Customer:


It was a pleasure to work with you over many years with the COSTAR® 24VC. Thank you for your business in the past. Quantum was forced to discontinue the current 24VC product because their metal oxide sensor supplier stopped manufacturing the Figaro Model 109 sensor, which they have been using since 1987. Quantum tried to recycle older sensors to extend the life with some limited success and have tried another sensor such as the 203 (the yield was not satisfactory).


Quantum could not find any replacement for the 109 that worked in the current unit. Therefore, Quantum offers to replace the current board with a new board and sensor using an electrochemical sensor as a replacement with a totally new product we call the COSTAR® Model 24VC-e. This 24VC-e is an entirely new product with new technology that functions at minus 40°C to 70°C. The PC board will fit into the existing case.


Quantum will offer the new 24VC-e and its PC board as a replacement starting in July. If you need a board with sensor please call me at 612-331-6954.


Quantum Group Inc and I apologize for the inconvenience caused by this sudden and unexpected discontinuation of 109 by Figaro. I hope you will contact me if you have any other concerns.



Steve Ribar